
  • What is siting, why does it matter, and how could it impact Michigan elections this fall?

    The word of the day is siting. Specifically, renewable energy siting, because we’re talking about clean energy and because renewable sources represent most of the energy generation being built today. According to the Department of Energy, renewable energy siting refers to “a series of decision-making processes and actions that determine the location and design of […]

  • Clean Air for Kids

    I grew up with and still suffer from asthma to this day. I also have two boys of my own. That’s why I’m so passionate about clean air for children. It’s part of the reason Counterspark has worked so hard to pass the Clean and Healthy School Bus Act (Assembly Bill 579) in California. This […]

  • “Counterspark” Launched to Empower Americans to Advocate for Clean Energy Solutions

    WASHINGTON, DC, January 16, 2023 — Counterspark, a consumer-empowering, solutions-oriented nonprofit organization, launched its new brand today to give individuals the tools they need to make an impact in accelerating the clean energy transition. The revamped 501(c)(4) organization will build momentum for policies and projects that significantly expand use of clean energy and electrified transportation, […]