Have you noticed your monthly gas bill creeping up and up? That’s mostly because for-profit gas utilities are spending your money on fossil fuel pipelines at an alarming rate — on the order of $20 billion per year — and earning a pretty profit on each project. Read more in our Medium post.
We have solutions to meet the climate challenge. What we need is the political will to deploy those solutions at scale in every corner of the country. Later this month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is going to take an important step to advance one of those solutions: accelerating deployment of electric transmission infrastructure […]
The word of the day is siting. Specifically, renewable energy siting, because we’re talking about clean energy and because renewable sources represent most of the energy generation being built today. According to the Department of Energy, renewable energy siting refers to “a series of decision-making processes and actions that determine the location and design of […]
Today is the presidential New Hampshire primary, which means ballots have officially been cast on both sides of the aisle. Read more in our Medium post.
2023 has been a big year in the fight for 100% clean energy. In the spirit of end-of-year countdowns, J.R. made lists of the top developments. Check them out in our Medium post.
Hidden in my utility bill are “operating costs” that my utility is using to pay for an army of lobbyists. Read more on our Medium page.
This law is, as the president would say, a BFD. It is a historic investment in the clean energy transition, and this day is worth celebrating. Let’s dig in to see what the bill has achieved and what’s next. Read more on our Medium page.
New Yorkers want to leave fossil fuels behind. That’s why thousands took action to write and call your state representatives and ask them to pass the NY HEAT Act, a bill which would have ended subsidies for new expensive fossil-fuel natural gas pipelines and charted out an affordable path to clean, healthy, electric homes for […]
The Department of Energy issued a report last week on the ten steps we need to take to achieve 100% clean energy. I’m proud that Counterspark does work in regard to each of these steps. The steps are listed in our Medium post along with information about how Counterspark is making an impact on each […]
Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD) signed into law the Promoting Offshore Wind Energy Resources Act (POWER Act). This is a huge victory for clean energy in Maryland, and we are excited about the role we and our supporters had in getting to this point. Read more on our Medium page.