New gas is not the solution for Wisconsin

WEC Energy Group is proposing a lot of new natural gas, but it’s not the cheapest option

  • Why It Matters

    Electricity usage in Wisconsin is increasing, and WEC Energy Group wants to spend $1.2 billion to build a natural gas plant that is only going to run 10-20% of the time, during peak hours. This is an incredibly expensive solution to a problem that can be fixed with renewable generation like large scale wind and solar, batteries, and other energy efficiency programs that can help us use less energy in the first place. Clean energy will cost ratepayers less money and be as reliable as dirty fossil fuels.

  • What’s the Solution?

    The Public Service Commission, the governing body that approves utility projects, should reject WEC Energy Group’s proposal and tell them to write a new one that includes more renewable generation, battery storage, and energy efficiency. 

  • What Can I Do?

    Submit a public comment to the Public Service Commission asking them to reject WEC’s proposal. The link to submit as well as a suggested comment is in the right hand column of this page if you are on desktop or below if you are on a mobile device.

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